AWS S3 開啟 Public Access 讀取網頁
Posted On 2024年9月15日 星期日 at 於 晚上11:51 by Lani1. AWS 服務先選S3
10. 點擊會以下網址出現 Access Denied
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::s3-20260915/*"
} ]
紅框資源名稱要一致 , 將畫面拉到最下方儲存變更
使用者:arn:aws:iam::805158xxxxxx:user/xxx 無權對資源:「arn:aws:s3:::s3-20260915」執 行 s3:PutBucketPolicy,因為公共策略被 BlockPublicPolicy 阻止公共存取設定。
Sendmail check_*
Posted On 2012年10月5日 星期五 at 於 上午9:27 by Lani最近遇到一些Sendmail的問題,
If you plan to upgrade your sendmail version, go directly to the current release of sendmail (or at least 8.9.3) which has standard FEATURE
s included. However, you may read on, because this page and related pages give background informations about the check_* rulesets.
sendmail 8.8 introduced several new rulesets to control who can use your machine to send/relay e-mail and to avoid UBE from well known sites. These are:
- check_relay
- checking the host name and host address separated by $|. This ruleset is called whenever a client connects via (E)SMTP to the server.
- check_mail
- for the MAIL command.
- check_rcpt
- for the RCPT command (used to prevent unauthorized relaying). This ruleset disables all kinds of known relaying tricks (the trick which is tested by ORBS currently (1999-07-14) is fixed since the end of 1997 according to my logs).
- check_compat
- checking both MAIL and RCPT also separated by $| before delivery.
Google Search Stories TW
Posted On 2012年5月18日 星期五 at 於 中午12:33 by Lani在看上一篇 Proud of you blog 時,無意間被這影片所吸引。
分享給大家其他的 Google Search Stories TW
14歲的吳承儒,用 Google 搜尋老師的名字意外發現測量震動的方法,
為了幫剛創業的公司尋找資金,透過 Google 搜尋,林容如找到了「千兆挑戰」商業企劃書競賽,並贏得職涯第一桶金,獲得了一個改變人生的機會。