Freebsd make kernel

Procedure 1. Building a Kernel the “Traditional” Way

1.Run config(8) to generate the kernel source code.

# /usr/sbin/config MYKERNEL

2.Change into the build directory. config(8) will print the name of this directory after being run as above.

# cd ../compile/MYKERNEL

For FreeBSD versions prior to 5.0, use the following form instead:

# cd ../../compile/MYKERNEL

3.Compile the kernel.

# make depend
# make

4.Install the new kernel.

# make install

Procedure 2. Building a Kernel the “New” Way

1.Change to the /usr/src directory.

# cd /usr/src

2.Compile the kernel.

# make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL

3.Install the new kernel.

# make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL

8.3 重新調配、編譯 kernel

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